Understanding Rithmm: Unveiling the Mechanics Behind its Predictive Power
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Whether you're diving into Rithmm for the first time or you've been riding the wave with us, you've likely wondered, "What's happening behind the scenes?" We’re going to nerd out a bit here but we promise - this is cool stuff.
After inputting your instincts with your factor sliders, your model could take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes to generate, depending on the complexity of your model. Core models swiftly materialize within seconds, while the more robust Premium models may take three to five minutes. The reason for this is that Rithmm has simplified the incredibly complex process of modeling, providing you an intuitive user interface to input your preferences while relegating the complex stuff to the background - leaving the arduous tasks to our data experts so you can focus on outcomes.
For those of you who have built your own models before, we know you stare at the screen, incredulous that the process you've spent tediously painstaking hours doing, Rithmm handles for you with the click of a button. For those of you who haven’t tried your hand at modeling, this is what Rithmm does for you:
When you hit “Build my Model”, Rithmm goes to work pulling over three years of historical data. It crafts a custom dataset tailored for your model, based on how you've weighed your factors. It then trains your model based on that personalized training set. Once your model is trained, Rithmm has your model predict scores for every upcoming game, compares your model’s predictions to open betting lines to calculate edge, and then identifies games where you have the strongest edge.
The models then present a list of bet recommendations for every game, complete with the pick, predicted score, win probability and edge on market odds, as well as Rithmm’s sign off (Star = Recommended) or word of warning (Caution = Be Wary).
If you were to do all of this on your own, you’d have to do all of the above and that’s not including keeping track of your bets, calculating your win rate and ROI, and keeping your data and models updated throughout the course of the season to keep your model relevant. Think of Rithmm as your nerdy best friend, or your own personal data science team.
Whether you're a seasoned sports data enthusiast or just dipping your toes in analytics, Rithmm's got your back. Rithmm makes predictive analytics a breeze, no PhD required. It's your ticket to the big leagues of data-driven sports insights.